Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need… ...he is not the sun, you are.
Speaking metaphorically of course, but how easy it is to get so wrapped up in others that you forget who you are. Focus shifts, and you just kinda feel… lost.
--And that’s exactly what happened to me. So, I’m kind of on this journey of finding myself again.
Small business owner. Photographer. Mom. Wife. Person. All of these things describe who I am and what I do- they’re so deeply intertwined. I feel like it’s important for me to use this space to delve deeper than what’s on the surface. It’s also important to me to not put myself in a box. To just say “I’m a photographer and welcome to my photography blog!” feels like a disservice to myself. There will definitely be plenty of photog info, business info, and all things about what I believe in business/photography wise. But I’m also going to be sharing more than that.. well, because I am more than that. Because as much as I preach, “tell me your story, let’s share your story,” it really only goes so far if I’m only going to be surface with all of you.
So if you’re offended by fowl language, only want sunshine and rainbows wrapped in a bow, and expect me to be politically correct 100% of the time, this might not be your space.. and that’s okay! I’m only human, and I’m here to try and keep it real and raw in a way social media doesn’t always allow for. Most of you know how uncomfortable I am in that space to begin with. So maybe things here will resonate with some of you, maybe it’s a waste, either way- welcome to the life of Pie. What can I say? Sometimes it’s sweet and other times it comes out a lil burnt.